A captive male under my care was, however, as heavily built as any female and measured in excess of 15 feet colleagues report similar experiences. Wild males rarely exceed 12 feet in length, and are thinly built. In the course of tagging over 500 specimens, the largest I and my co-workers encountered in Western Venezuela was just over 17 feet long and tipped the scale at 215 pounds. There is a fairly reliable record of a 33-foot-long Green Anaconda an unverified field report from Eastern Columbia (1944) claims an individual of 37.5 feet. In the past, 25-foot-long animals were encountered, but an individual approaching 20 feet is considered large today. It vies with the Reticulated Python for the title of longest serpent. Green Anaconda DescriptionĪ stout animal that may exceed 400 pounds in weight, this is the world’s heaviest snake. The second half of this article will take a look at the astonishing array of creatures it is known to consume. The Green Anaconda ( Eunectes murinus) has generated a great many stories – through field research, I’ve had several opportunities to ferret out some interesting details behind these (please see article referenced below). In part 1 of this article we’ll examine the natural history of this heaviest and possibly longest of all snakes.